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Prop 10 proponent says time is now for increased rent control



It’s no secret that Los Angeles is one of the most expensive places to pay rent. Can a ballot proposition make it better?  Can a ballot proposition make it better?
Proposition 10 spokesman Damien Goodman says rent control is needed until the supply can catch up with the demand.
”We’ve seen since the foreclosure crisis real estate interests come in and just exploit the market, that is currently broken, to gouge tenants.”
He says rent control does not discourage new rental unit construction.
”West Hollywood, Santa Monica, in Los Angeles, San Francisco up north, take a look in the sky, you see the development that’s going on pretty rapidly. And those cities I just named? Each one of them has rent control.”
If Prop 10 is passed, cities throughout the the state will regain authority to regulate rents, including placing rent controls on apartments built after 1995, which are exempt under state law.
Opponents say rent control will do nothing to alleviate the rising cost of rental units.  They say it will ultimately reduce the quality and quantity of available rental housing.
Damien Goodman was a guest on McIntyre in the Morning.​
By Sandy Wells
KABC News​