On-Air Now
On-Air Now

Biden holds first press conference: It’s what you would expect.



In an approximately hour long press conference, punctuated with long pauses , scanning a list for what reporter to call on, and twice asking if he is going on too long, President Biden today held the first press conference of his presidency. He called on reporters who were allowed multiple questions, none of whom interrupted the slow and often meandering President. No one from Fox News, OANN or Newsmax was allowed top question the President. There was no question about teachers unions blocking the reopening of schools or the continued silencing of conservatives by Big Tech.

Biden On Solving Border Surge: “We Can Get This Done”

(Washington, DC) — President Biden says his administration is working to address the surge at the southern border. Biden told reporters today, “We can get this done.” He says he wants to solve the problem as quickly and safely as possible. The surge is being fueled by unaccompanied migrant children. The President cited serious problems in Central American nations that are prompting migrant treks to the U.S. Biden, and continued to falsely blamed the Donald Trump administration for the crisis at the border

Biden Talks Voting Rights

(Washington, DC) — President Biden calls Republican efforts to restrict voting rights “sick.” Speaking to reporters at the White House, Biden claimed most Republicans he knows also think these efforts are “despicable.” He said the Republican moves to address voting issues make “Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.” He said things like closing polling places at 5 p.m. when most people are working is wrong.