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Finally Some Sanity: Surgeon General Says 13 Too Young To Join Social Media.



(Washington, DC) — The U.S. Surgeon General says 13 is too young for children to join social media. Speaking with CNN, Vivek Murthy explained the “skewed” and “distorted” environment of social media does a “disservice” to children who are still “developing their identity.” His comments come despite many social media platforms allowing teens that young to sign up for an account. Murthy suggested parents “band together” to keep their kids off social media until a more appropriate age. New research out of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also suggests that frequently checking social media can actually change the brain chemistry of adolescents. Despite this, some Democrats are pushing for the national voting age to be lowered to 16. Read more here: https://meng.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/meng-reintroduces-legislation-to-lower-the-voting-age-in-america-to-16-0